Get ECAD Data

Get ECAD Data API will return all the available data from the ECAD for the supplied EcadId.

Please read API Overview first

API Endpoint

The Get ECAD Data API endpoint won't change. It can be set as a constant.

N.B. This EndPoint URL resolves to a dynamic IP address, please be aware of this when making DNS and Firewall decisions.


To search for a Postcode or Address, a simple  GET request from your desired language is all that is needed.

  • cURL
curl -v ""
  • jQuery
   type: "GET",
   dataType: "jsonp",
   url: "",
   data : {
       key: "YOUR_KEY",
       ecadid: "YOUR_ECAD_ID"
   success: function(data){
       //do something with data
  • Angular JS
   params: {
      key: "YOUR_KEY",
      ecadid: "YOUR_ECAD_ID"
   //do something with data
  • Ruby
require 'json'
require 'net/http'

uri = URI.parse("")
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
response = http.get(uri.request_uri)
result = JSON.parse(response.body)
  • Python
import json
import urllib2
Response = urllib2.urlopen ("")
jsonResult = json.load(Response)
  • C#
using System.IO;
using System.Net;

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
request.Accept = "application/json";

using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
   var result = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();


The following is a sample JSON response returned for a Get ECAD Data API request.

    "result": {
        "code": 100,
        "text": "EcadIdValid"
    "ecadId": 1401182204,
    "ecadIdStatus": {
        "code": 100,
        "text": "Current"
    "addressTypeId": 2230,
    "postalAddress": {
        "english": [
            "INNS COURT",
            "WINETAVERN STREET",
            "DUBLIN 8"
        "irish": [
            "INNS COURT",
            "SRÁID AN FHÍONA",
            "BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH 8"
    "geographicAddress": {
        "english": [
            "INNS COURT",
            "WINETAVERN STREET",
            "DUBLIN 8"
        "irish": [
            "INNS COURT",
            "SRÁID AN FHÍONA",
            "BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH 8"
    "administrativeInfo": {
        "ecadId": 1401182204,
        "release": "2015",
        "laId": 29,
        "dedId": 268098,
        "smallAreaId": 6349,
        "countyId": 1001000025,
        "gaeltacht": false
    "buildingInfo": {
        "ecadId": 1401182204,
        "buildingTypeId": 2,
        "underConstruction": false,
        "buildingUse": "C",
        "vacant": false
    "spatialInfo": {
        "ecadId": 1401182204,
        "ing": {
            "location": {
                "easting": 315130.94,
                "northing": 233997.19
        "itm": {
            "location": {
                "easting": 715056.72,
                "northing": 734023.49
        "etrs89": {
            "location": {
                "longitude": -6.272101,
                "latitude": 53.343913
        "spatialAccuracy": "3"
    "relatedEcadIds": {
        "thoroughfareEcadIds": [
        "postTownEcadIds": [
        "postCountyEcadIds": [
        "geographicCountyEcadIds": [
    "dateInfo": {
        "created": "2014-07-03T08:41:16.44Z",
        "modified": "2015-04-22T17:29:09.823Z"
    "input": {
        "key": "YOUR_KEY",
        "txn": "d966bbb3-59e8-4f72-b061-452e559d393c",
        "ecadId": 1401182204,
        "history": false
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""

Input Fields

Name Type Default Description
key* string None Licence key
IMPORTANT: The key parameter name must be all lower case.
ecadId* string None ECAD ID to search
history bool false Whether or not to return history
administrativeInfo string 2015 AdministrativeInfo release (2015, 2017 or 2022)
txn string None Transaction ID from previous call in the session

* Required Field

Output Fields

Name Type Description
result enum Result of the search
  • Unknown
  • EcadIdValid = 100
  • EcadIdInvalid = 200
ecadId integer ECAD ID
ecadIdStatus enum Ecad ID status
  • Unknown
  • Current = 100
  • Changed = 110
  • Retired = 120
  • Invalid = 200
addressType enum Type of Address Found Full list of Address Types
eircodeInfo object This object contains Eircode information which is outlined below
postalAddress string [ ] Contains a string array for the postal address in both Irish and English
geographicAddress string [ ] Contains a string array for the geographic address in both Irish and English
administrativeInfo object This object contains administrative information which is outlined below
buildingInfo object This object contains building information which is outlined below
organisationInfo object This object contains organisation information which is outlined below
spatialInfo object This object contains spatial information which is outlined below
relatedEcadIds object This object contains related ECAD IDs (described below)
dateInfo object This object contains date information which is outlined below
input object An array of Option objects (described below).
links link [ ] An array of Link objects (described below).
eircodeInfo Object
Name Type Description
ecadId integer ECAD ID
eircode string Eircode
administrativeInfo Object
Name Type Description
ecadId integer ECAD ID
release string AdministrativeInfo release
laId integer Local Authority ID
dedId integer Electoral District
smallAreaId integer Small Area ID
townlandId integer Townland ID
countyId integer County ID
gaeltacht boolean A flag that highlights if the ecadId supplied is in a Gaeltacht area.
buildingInfo Object
Name Type Description
ecadId integer ECAD ID
buildingTypeId enum Building types
holidayHome boolean Flag to denote holiday homes
underConstruction boolean Flag to denote if a building is under construction
buildingUse string Building use
vacant boolean Flag to denote if a building is vacant
organisationInfo Object
Name Type Description
ecadId integer ECAD ID
vacant boolean Flag to denote if an organisation address is vacant
spatialInfo Object
Name Type Description
ecadId integer ECAD ID
ing object Irish national grid information, including easting, northing and may include a bounding box
itm object Irish transverse mercator information, including easting, northing and may include a bounding box
etrs89 object The European Terrestrial Reference system is a precise subset of the IRTF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame) with geographic co-ordinates (latitudes and longitudes) based on the GRS80 ellipsoid and has become the adopted reference system for Europe.  May include a bounding box.
spatialAccuracy integer Integer denotes spatial accuracy. N.B. spatialAccuracy = 4 indicates the coordinates are unverified and should not be used.
relatedEcadIds Object
Name Type Description
addressPointEcadId integer Address point ECAD ID
buildingEcadId integer Building ECAD ID
buildingGroupEcadId integer Building group ECAD ID
thoroughfareEcadIds integer [ ] Thoroughfare ECAD IDs
localityEcadIds integer [ ] Locality ECAD IDs
postTownEcadIds integer [ ] Post town ECAD IDs
postCountyEcadIds integer [ ] Post county ECAD IDs
geographicCountyEcadIds integer [ ] Geographic county ECAD IDs
dateInfo Object
Name Type Description
created date Date and time when this ECAD was created
modified date Date and time when this ECAD was last modified
Link Object
Name Type Description
rel string API response usually includes an array of HATEOAS links. This allows interaction with the API solely through the hyperlinks we provide you. You no longer need to hardcode logic into your client in order to use our API.
href string The hyperlink the client should follow is stored in the value of “href” property. That value can have some internal parameters, so the client should not parse it or modify it in any way.