Native WordPress Integration

Native Wordpress

It is possible to implement the jQuery control into native Wordpress without having to rely on other 3rd party apps. Information on the jQuery control can be found here.


When integrating with native Wordpress, it is important to note that the Wordpress installed jquery will interfere with the Autoaddress jQuery control. To ensure the plugin works correctly, it will be necessary to call the noConflict() function and load the Autoaddress script and CSS references AFTER the Autoaddress configuration code. The below code snippet demonstrates the required ordering:
<code><script type="text/javascript"> <br>     var $ = jQuery.noConflict(); <br>     $(function() { <br>          $("#myDiv").AutoAddress({ <br>               key : "YOUR_KEY", <br>               vanityMode : true, <br>               addressProfile : "Demo5LineV2",<br>               country : "ie", <br>               language : "en" <br>          }); <br>     });     <br>     <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS --><br>     <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <br><br>     <!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript --> <br>     <script src=""></script> <br></script>