How do we create an Address Profile?

We create your address profile based on the information you provide.  We set up the form with one line for each of your required output fields.

For each field, we define the following:

Setting Description 
Label   Usually, the label you display in your own form
Width Maximum field width 
Abbreviate Can be set to Always, Never, or Required.  The default is required, where we will substitute for example St for Street where the address field would otherwise be truncated.
Capitalise Can be set to Upper, Lower, or Proper (default) 
Irish Letters Can be set to Keep or Replace.  Some systems cannot handle ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚú and so we return AaEeIiOoUu if set to Replace.
Allowed Types What address elements can appear in the field, the options are as follows:
Sub Building Name
Building Group
Building Name
Building Number

One or more fields can appear in each address line.
Priority If a field is set to priority it will be filled first, rather than the default behavior of filling each field from top to bottom.  The usual example is a town field, which may be the second, third, or fourth line of an address.  Setting the allowed address types and Priority status ensures the Town field is always populated.
Multiple Allowed By default, only one of the address elements will appear in a field.  If you want to allow multiple then set it to true (e.g. Building Number and Thoroughfare "8 Mill Road")
Custom Substitution You can substitute any sequence of letters for any other.  For example, you may wish to change the default "Co. " format to "County " for the County Name or remove "Co. " from the address.

The following example sets the County field.  Sometimes there is a requirement for a County to always be returned for an address even in cases where it would not be usually present (i.e. addresses in Dublin Postal Districts, e.g. Dublin 16, or addresses in County Towns, e.g. Tipperary).  In this case, we select the CountyAlways field option.

Previewing a Profile with Account Centre

The Autoaddress account center provides the ability to view your address profiles and preview a new one before it goes live. Contact us for information on getting account center access and setting up a new address profile.

To view your existing or pending profiles, navigate to the account center.

Login in with the credentials provided to you by Autoaddress. Once logged in, the site will open on the dashboard for the logged-in user. It will look similar to the below:
To preview a profile, click the "Address Profiles" menu item under "Admin" on the left of the screen. This will display a list of address profiles viewable by the logged-in user.
Click the address profile you would like to view and click the eye symbol at the top right of the list.
This will open a popup window showing the information of the profile. The default page will allow you to demo the Autoaddress control with your address profile.

Click the "Samples" button, to display examples of different addresses and how they output using your address profile.
Keep a close eye on the Truncation and Lines Lost indicators at the bottom of the dialog.  If truncation has occurred or any address element has been lost this will be highlighted.

Click the settings button to set the language, country and to set the address type as vanity, geographic or postal (vanity is the recommended option and is set to default).

If the address profile isn't doing what you need just let us know.  Edit the address in the dialog to display in a manner that suits your requirements and save a screenshot, then just email that to us and we'll do the rest.